The Almanac

Speaking with Portola Valley writer Christine VanDeVelde, who co-authored a new book on the college admission process, is comforting and reassuring...

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

One of my favorite quotes in the new book “College Admission: From Application to Acceptance, Step by Step” comes from Stanford University School of Education senior lecturer Denise Clark Pope on the issue of over-scheduled teens: “Imagine if Steve Jobs had no time to tinker in his garage because he had to go piano lessons and SAT prep class and art class and was on the travel baseball team that had practice five times a week and away games on weekends.”

I have found the book I wished I had when my sons were in High School. College Admission From Application To Acceptance, Step By Step...

WGN-TV in Chicago

Christine VanDeVelde joins WGN-TV anchor Dina Bair to talk about navigating the college admission process.

KGO 810 AM Ronn Owens

Robin Mamlet and Christine VanDeVelde join the Bay Area's Ronn Owens and his listeners to talk college admission.


Hurrah! An upbeat, practical book on college admissions! Karen Horton reviews College Admission for the home of New Jersey's local news.

A New College Admission Bible

The Washington Post's Valerie Strauss interviews Robin Mamlet and Christine VanDeVelde on The Answer Sheet.

USA Today College Guide 2012

We're talking about what colleges value in applicants, how to resist admission frenzy, the biggest mistake families make and more in "The Inside Scoop on Applying" in USA Today's College Guide 2012.